Whether you encountered him at a Woman Evolve event, on the Woman Evolve podcast, or this is your introduction to Malachi Jakes, you're sure to feel enlightened and will want to pat SJR on the back for raising such an amazing young man. He shares what life has been like to be mothered by SJR, his appreciation for his "bonus" dad, Touré Roberts, and plans for the future.
Up Next in Season 3: Quarantine Edition
Finding My Space
Blended families can be challenging but has the possibility of being beautiful. SJR and Ren discuss how working through awkward conversations has created an unbreakable bond between them. Both ladies share how the process of finding their space within their family and each other's lives has been ...
Marking Moments
SJR and Teya check-in with each other during quarantine. Teya shares how a hypothetical yes to SJR is actually a definite yes and sis drops a major word when it comes to love languages! In an 'I'm not crying, you're crying' moment, SJR pours into Teya, sharing beautiful words about her future.
Bridge Builder
SJR introduces the Delegation to Isaiah and it couldn't be at a better time. They discuss the current racial tensions and Isaiah shares how it makes him feel as a black young man. SJR asks some thought-provoking questions as Isaiah shares the importance of having male role models in his life, his...