With any relationship (but especially in mother/daughterhood) there will always be a shift in your plans. Sometimes those plans are within your control, and other times they are not. SJR joins her "babies' mama" and her two bonus daughters for a conversation on navigating new seasons, unexpected shifts, and the different seasons of mother/daughterhood.
Up Next in My Mother, My Sister
How to have Tough Conversations
Whether it's a divorce, a change in perspective on faith, or even the sex talk, there are some conversations that we may not want to have, but need to have with our children. In this episode, SJR discusses navigating difficult conversations with longtime friend-Pat Smith.
Her Flaws, My Fight
There is nothing more powerful than showing our children our flaws. What may be even more powerful is showing how we show up in spite of our flaws. Join Pastor Sarah, our new homegirl and honorary doctor-Dr. Jill Waggoner and her daughter Jillian for our final episode of the "My Mother, My Sister...