Join Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts and the Woman Evolve Sisterhood for 7 nights as we journey together on a WILD WOMAN faith adventure! Exclusively here on Woman Evolve TV
Wild Woman Challenge: Day 7 - "Wild Surrender"
We made our plan, but we we didn’t create our path because only he knows the path we will take. He has a vision and we have a vision. If your vision is surrendered to God you can count on your vision leading you closer to his vision
Wild Woman Challenge: Day 6 - "Wild Vision"
How will this world, family, community become better as a result of your dream? Why do we need you to do what God has called you to do?
Wild Woman Challenge: Day 5 - "Wild Service"
We are going to explore how serving change change every area of your life in Day 5 of this Wild Woman Challenge
Wild Woman Challenge: Day 4 - "Wild Worship"
Day 4 - Wild Worship
Hearing from God is perfected in worship, but worship can be challenging for those of us who think that worship has to look a certain way.Worship is where God gives us peace, perspective, passion, focus, and more of Him.
Worship Songs: The Stand – Hillsong/Pulling Me ...
Wild Woman Challenge: Day 3 - "Wild Growth"
In Day 3, we will be learning the different between wilderness & resort relationships. Wilderness relationships thrive off vulnerability vs. Resort relationships thrive off of illusions.
Whether you’re in the wilderness or the resort you’ll need faith. Faith to leave or faith to grow.
Wild Woman Challenge: Day 2 - "His Wild Grace"
Are you ready to encounter God’s WILD Grace?
In Day 2, we are going to make peace with our pasts! Unprocessed pasts create skewed perspectives of our today. It’s so much easier to move on than it is to go back.
Today we’re going to go back and focus on whom we’ve been. There are successes ...
Wild Woman Challenge: Day 1 - "Wild Open Spaces"
Day 1 – Wild Open Space
What keeps us form being a wild woman really has more to do with who we THINK we can be rather than who God calls us to be.
When we empty our selves of the unnecessary we make space for glory and miracles to take place in our lives.