Last W.E. heard, the enemy don’t’ want no smoke! So Sis, WHOSE report are you gonna believe? Success Coach, Shawnta’ Dandridge joined SJR to talk about the importance of changing our narratives. Together they reflect on why the stories W.E. tell ourselves matter & how to break the habit of discrediting our own worth. Hear how embracing the messiness of life positioned Shawnta’ to be a blessing for others. Then, hang around for the advice segment that’s giving snacks-on-snacks-on-snacks! Help is available for anyone in suicidal crisis at 1-800-273-8255 or
Up Next in WE Podcast Season 9
Worship Wrapped in Trauma w/ Stephani...
Assume the sacred position—that’s right, Sis! What spiritual posture did you maintain in 2021? Catch this episode as SJR welcomes blogger & founder of Authentic L.O.T.U.S., Stephanie Conley, to empower women in their healing! Discover how working through abandonment issues offered Stephanie a...
Acceptance Wrapped in Grief w/ Chiqui...
SZN's greetings, Delegation! All month long, we're reflecting & taking inventory of who W.E. have become. This week, SJR passed the mic to singer, author, and tv personality, Chiquis Rivera, who shared her story of resiliency! From surviving to thriving, Sis is THE prime example of a #Bruised...
Hello Wrapped in Goodbye w/ Ny'Ea Rey...
In this episode, SJR and the homie, Ny’Ea Reynolds, are unpacking all of the things. Let's just say Sis is in her bag, but she's in His too! Find out what happened when Ny’Ea let go of what she thought she knew about herself to simply be with God. Plus, the two reflect on their greatest, petties...