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WE 2020: Virtual Experience

WE 2020: Virtual Experience

Missed a session or a panel you wish you could've been apart of? Sis, we got ya back! Watch all of your favorite sessions from the Woman Evolve Virtual Experience right here on W.E.TV. You're welcome!

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WE 2020: Virtual Experience
  • Stand in the Rain

    Grab your rain boots, jacket, and umbrella because no matter what, WE are going to keep moving towards the revelation God gave us!

  • Prepare for Your Future

    The dreams you may think are wild, sis, they're attainable. Implement Teneshia's goal catching tips so you can start living your dreams tomorrow!

  • Multiply those Coins

    Sis, don't play yourself, pay yourself! Peggy Buck gives us a crash course on overcoming the fear of budgeting, tithing, and how to stop disguising financial dysfunction as 'retail therapy'.

  • Journey Through Generations

    Mothers and daughters, this one's for you! Regardless of your relationship with your mom or daughter, this chat is filled with conversation starters and perspective to help us see each other.

  • Love & Marriage

    Fiancé, single, newly wed, six years in, or a few decades under your marriage belt? No matter where you fall, this conversation is for you! We become better partners & wives when we know where we are and choose to learn from each other.

  • Breaking up with You

    Sometimes we can be our own worst critique and enemy, allowing fears to keep us from fulfilling our purpose. Dr. Anita may not mention our name but sis definitely tells us about ourselves!

  • God, Where are You?

    No matter the circumstance, DawnCheré Wilkerson reminds us that God's peace is always available to us. Sit in His presence and embrace His love as He works all things together for your good.

  • Finding my Voice

    The fear of public speaking is a thing of the past now that W.E. have Charlotte Stallings in our lives. Pull out your notebook and pen because we have big rooms assigned to us and purposeful communication skills will be required, sis.

  • Climb the Ladder vs. Build the Ladder

    From homelessness to financial investor, sis has a story to learn from. Arian Simone shares her scars and the lessons learned so that we don't have to make the same mistakes. If that's not sisterhood, W.E. don't know what is!

  • Minding My Business

    Chhiiillleee, that business you have, let's mind it! Amanda McIntire turns up the heat on all things business. Her secret sauce is God so you know this is about to be goodT!

  • Pajama Panel

    If you know, you know! If not, get ready for wisdom laced with laughs. Whether it's from Cora shocking us with lashes, or DawnChere reminding us that God loves working with broken pieces. So much in one convo, you'll have to run it back!

  • Revisiting the Altars

    The altar changes us -- it gives us clarity, direction, affirms us, and adds to our legacy. PT's perspective-shifting message gives us insight on how to make the most of our moments with God as we journey through life.

  • Single, with a Future

    Chhiiillleee, in a refreshing conversation, men and women share their honest opinion on life while single, their expectations, lessons learned from previous relationships, and more!